Careers in Computing

Many careers are currently available in British Columbia, and across Canada and the United States. Increasing demand for skilled IT/CS ("Information Technology/Computer Science") workers is being fueled both by growth in the industry and increasing retirements as the "baby-boomers" leave the workforce. In many job categories, the growth rate for IT/CS jobs in the next five years is expected to be twice the general growth rate - leading to excellent opportunities for those with an interest in the area.

There exists a tremendous variety of career and life opportunities for anyone with a strong interest in IT/CS. Some of the common choices are listed in the Occupational Outlook Handbook put out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US; a more comprehensive list would include:

For those interested in a research or academic career, there are many fascinating fields of study, including:

For detailed descriptions of the different occupations, and for BC forecasts of expected growth in each area, please visit the WorkBC website.

Growth forecasts for Canada and the United States are available from the Information and Communications Technology Council (for Canada) and from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (for the U.S.A.).

For current high-tech job opportunities on Vancouver Island, please visit the VIATeC Job Board.

For information on world-wide opportunities in Computing Science as posted on the foremost world-wide organization of computer scientists, the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), visit the ACM careers website.