Lab 6. On-line contact lenses recommendations with decision trees.

Using WEKA in your java WEB application.


Part I (the most challenging). Configuring application server (tomcat)


Path 1: Eclipse and tomcat.

This requires some time investment, but it makes it easier to develop and debug your application later on.         


Path 2: Tomcat, text editor and command line J

                        Great step-by-step explanations in the following book:

Head first servlets & JSP by Basham, Bryan; Sierra, Kathy; Bates, Bert, 2004, ISBN 9780596005405,

Available, QA 76.3 B384 2004, Nanaimo Campus Library


Part II. On-line advisor for contact-lenses

If this does not work on your machine, try Part II A


Part II A. The same application installed from the war file