CSCI 331: Object-oriented programming with Java

Instructor: Marina Barsky
Phone: 2321
Office: 315/212


  • Required: Introduction to Programming and Object-Oriented Design Using Java, by Jaime Nino and Frederick A. Hosch, 2008,
  • Free Electronic Book Thinking in Java, by Bruce Eckel
  • Optional: Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, by Brett D. McLaughlin, Gary Pollice and Dave West
  • Optional: Object-Oriented Programming in Java: A Graphical Approach, by Kathryn E. Sanders and Andy van Dam

Final Projects


Bradley Harper

Bradley Harper's Project

The game sets the player as a small space ship that is able to turn, thrust and fire a weapon. The ship's goal is to clear a stage of all asteroids. JAR.


Connor Strathdee

Battleship board game. AI simulation. Player vs. computer. JAR.

Settlers of Catan

Matthew Brown

The Settlers of Catan Board generator is a stand-alone product that in time could be enveloped into an entire Settlers of Catan stand-alone board game. JAR.


Arvind Witlam

Breakout is an old arcade game. This version works with keyboard events. JAR.


Kevin Ackeral, Alan Richardson

The game includes a random generation of a maze and a simple game of navigating the maze and collecting gems. JAR.

Magic: the Gathering Deck Editor

Andrew Smythe

This program will allow players of Magic: the Gathering to organize their deck lists. JAR