CSCI 251  Systems and Networks 

Lab 6 - Network Exploration Tools

Mar 03, 2010


This lab discusses several software tools that should be used with extreme care. Although they belong in the toolset of a sysadmin, they are also used by 'blackhats'. Intrusion Detection Systems often go on alert when they detect an external agent probing their systems with such tools.

We'll keep our use of these tools at a somewhat local level, usually restricting use to our local subnet. There are many such tools and rather than attempting a broad survey, we'll select just a few to examine.

Note: Keep a log/record of your activities along with supporting printouts. This will constitute essential input for your documentation of this lab. You may find use of the tee command with appropriate file names useful. Examples of using tee are given in Task #2 and in Task #4 (section 4.2), but it would be generally useful.


- traceroute
- nmap, zenmap
- netstat
- tcpdump


Check that the following utilities are installed on your host system (if not, report to the instructor): If not already installed on your vbx, install the following:
Some of these tools have more capabilities if used as root. Tcpdump requires that you be root to use it at all. Although you have root privileges in the vbx, it is enclosed within a host system for which you only have user privileges. Consequently, any Internet exploration we do looking outside the host machine will be somewhat hampered, one way or the other. In each case, we'll specify whether to use your vbx or the host system.

Task #1: From the man pages

The utilities listed above are just four among the many sysadmin tools available to us. Look at the man page for each of the above and give a short description (in your own words) of each utility which describes

Task #2: Investigate the host system

Note: All commands in this section are to be performed as a user in a terminal on the host system.

2.1 traceroute

From your OS251 terminal, try

traceroute | tee task2.1.txt

Explain what the result tells us. What machine appears to be the gateway from inside our lan?

Now try entering


Does the result (when the truncated name is extended) corroborate that from traceroute? Explain.

Finally try

/sbin/ifconfig eth0

What netmask ('Mask')is reported? What does that mean?

2.2 nmap

2.2.1 Do a ping scan of our LAN i.e. don't change the first 24 bits, but investigate the rest:

nmap -sP

How does the command notation relate to the netmask reported in 2.1? Explain what the above command does (in detail) and give a summary of the results in your own words.

2.2.2 Do a TCP connect scan

Pick another students machine in this lab and do a TCP connect scan and -A (to enable OS fingerprinting and OS version detection).

nmap -sT -A 192.168.18.x

where 'x' designates the machine being investigated.

Explain what the above command does (in detail) and give a summary of the results in your own words.

2.2.3 Try a TCP SYN scan

nmap -sS -P0 -A -v  192.168.18.x

Was it successful?

Do this scan on the suspected OS251 gateway found in 2.1.

nmap -sT -A -sV 192.168.18.y

where 'y' designates the machine being investigated. Explain what the suggested command does (in detail) and give a summary of the results in your own words.

Task #3: Investigate your vbx

Note: In almost all cases, commands in this section are to be performed as root in a vbx terminal. Exceptions will be indicated.

3.1 traceroute

From your vbx terminal, try


Terminate the command once you start seeing asterisks on the screen. Explain what the result tells us. What machine appears to be the gateway from inside our lan? Also try -T option.

Now try entering


Does the result (when the truncated name is extended) corroborate that from traceroute? Explain.

Finally try

/sbin/ifconfig eth0

What netmask is reported? What does that mean?

3.2 nmap/zenmap

From your vbx terminal, do a ping scan of our LAN i.e. don't change the first 24 bits, but investigate the rest:

nmap -sP

How does the command notation relate to the netmask reported in 3.1? Explain what the above command does (in detail) and give a summary of the results in your own words. What new machine is present?

3.2.2 Do a TCP connect scan to that new machine

nmap -sT -A 10.0.2.x

where 'x' designates the machine being investigated. Give a summary of the results in your own words and make a guess at the purpose of the new machine.

Try a TCP SYN scan on your vbx machine

nmap -sS -P0 -A -v

Was it successful? Compare to the result from 2.2.3.

3.2.4 Do this scan on the suspected vbx gateway found in 3.1.

nmap -sT -O -sV 10.0.2.y

where 'y' designates the machine being investigated. Explain what the suggested command does (in detail) and give a summary of the results in your own words.

3.2.5 Try zenmap to scan the same machine as in 3.2.4, above. Try it again as user instead of root and note the differences. Describe the difference in usability between nmap and zenmap in your own words.

Task #4: netstat [Note: Use the man page freely for this Task.]

Note: All commands in this section are to be performed as a user in a terminal on the host.

4.1 Active services

With your browser closed, enter:

netstat --inet -a

If not much is going on you might just see services listening, awaiting incoming requests e.g.

Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State     
tcp        0      0 localhost:2208          *:*                     LISTEN    
tcp        0      0 localhost:59720         *:*                     LISTEN    
tcp        0      0 localhost:mysql         *:*                     LISTEN    
tcp        0      0 *:www                   *:*                     LISTEN    
tcp        0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                     LISTEN    
tcp        0      0 localhost:ipp           *:*                     LISTEN    

Now start the browser, and once again enter

netstat --inet -a

and note what differences you see.

4.2 Continuous capture

To catch some activity leading to established connections, make an ssh connection (even to localhost) and redirect a continuous netstat capture to a text file as follows:

netstat --inet -a -c | tee task4.2.txt

and immediately after hitting the enter key for the previous line, start some ssh activity. After a short time (e.g. 20 seconds), switch back to the console and stop netstat with a CTRL-C. Then examine the task4.2.txt file and compare to the results observed in 4.1, explaining the differences between the results.

Then respond to these specific questions:
4.3 Other options

Try these options:

netstat -i
netstat -r

Explain their output.

Investigate at least one other option and explain its output.

Task #5: tcpdump

Note: In all cases, commands in this section are to be performed as root in a vbx terminal.

TCPDump ( is the premiere packet sniffer of the 'nix world. An extremely powerful (and potentially complex) tool, TCPDump can monitor, capture, and decode all packets crossing a given interface. While not very fun to watch, it is indispensable when it comes to troubleshooting connections. TCPDump is generally configured from the command line at run time. There are many options. Here are examples for you to try:

5.1 Capture all traffic involving host

tcpdump host

To get some modest activity going for capture, open a second vbx terminal and ssh into your OS251. Do you see any arp activity?

Explain what the above command does (in detail) and give a summary of the results in your own words.

Capture HTTP packets on eth0 (catch some browser activity):

Start your vbx browser and try

tcpdump -i eth0 port 80 and tcp

Access with your browser to create some activity.
Explain what the above command does (in detail) and give a summary of the results in your own words.

Again capture packets on eth0, but now decode packets in ASCII with:

tcpdump -Ai eth0 port 22 and host and tcp

Explain what the above command does (in detail) and give a summary of the results (compare to the prior result) in your own words. Note that the ability to decode into ASCII, by hand or automatically, makes anything transferred by plain text dangerous. For example, this is one of the reasons that telnet disappeared in favor of ssh. Passwords were transferred in plain text by telnet.

5.4 Try the same scan, but scan your gateway. Try to get an ssh connection with the gateway.
With your

tcpdump -Ai eth0 port 22 and host and tcp

Can you see the ssh connection attempt?

Note that here we are connecting to a machine that is not our vbx host. So we can examine other traffic that goes by.

Task #6

Submit your report for this assignment to the instructor by email per the following specification:

Report Specification

e.g. jayeward-lab6.txt
To receive credit, the properly configured email (with attachment) must be received by 8 AM, Monday, March 8, 2010.