Data Structures and Algorithms
- Final Exam will take place on December 10th, 9:00am - noon
in Building 470/Room 111.
- final exam of Fall 2018
- final exam of Fall 2019
- All questions related to the material covered in the lectures,
labs, and assignments
- Topics:
- ADT Properties and Various Concrete Data Structure Implementation
- Stack, Queue, Priority Queue
- Tree ADTs: General Tree
- Dictionary/Map and its Tree implementations:
Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree, Thread Tree,
Red Black Tree, Multi-way Search Tree ((a,b)-Tree, especially
when a=2 and b=4)
- Dictionary/Map and its Hash Table implementation
- Dictionary/Map and its Skip List implementation
- Sorting Algorithms
- Graph ADT and Graph algorithms
- Algorithm Analysis
- Exact String Matching Algorithms
- Data Encoding/Decoding and Compression Algorithms
- Trie ADT and its applications
- Algorithm Methodologies: Brute Force (optionally with heuristics),
Greedy, Dynamic Programming
- Memory Management concepts
- Midterm : Midterm is scheduled to take place in class on Wednesday, October 16th.
- midterm from 2018
- midterm from 2019
- Written Assignment 1, Programming Assignment 1 and Lab 1 to 5
- Topics:
- ADTs and Concrete Data Structure Implementation
- Sequence ADTs: Stack, Queue, Priority Queue
- Hash Table
- Tree ADTs: General Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree, Thread Tree
- Sorting Algorithms
- Algorithm Analysis