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For more than 25 years there have been proposals for component-based approaches to software development [5]. However, only recently have off-the-shelf components become available commercially. Currently, software components in the form of C++ class libraries are available from hardware manufacturers such as IBM, and software development companies including Microsoft, Unix Systems Laboratories, and Rogue Wave Software.

From the tester's point of view, these libraries can be divided into two broad groups:

With object-oriented methods, productivity and reliability can be vastly improved, primarily through reuse. Because reliability depends on testing, this improvement cannot be realized without effective class testing. Our research focuses on the automated testing of collection classes [2,3].

There are two main requirements for class test suites:

The tests for class C must be repeated many times: for the initial version of C, after each modification to C, and when C is used in a new environment, such as a new operating system or compiler. This requirement for repeatability suggests that test execution should be automated. However, unlike hardware tests, a software test suite will probably not be run thousands of times. Thus, test execution time (``socket time'') is less important in software testing than in hardware testing.

To date there has been very little work in university or industry on class testing. This gap jeopardizes the future of object-oriented software engineering.

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Peter Walsh
Thu Jan 18 14:37:02 PST 1996