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M. Abramovici, M. Breuer, and A. Friedman. Digital Systems Testing and Testable Designs. Computer Science Press, 1990.

D.M. Hoffman and X. Fang. Testing the cset++ collection class library. In Proc. CASCON'94. IBM Toronto Laboratory, October 1994.

D.M. Hoffman and P.A. Strooper. The testgraphs methodology: Automated testing of collection classes. Journal of Object-Oriented Programming (to appear), October 1995.

IBM. CSet++ for AIX/6000---Collection Class Library Reference, 1993.

M.D. McIlroy. Mass-produced software components. In J.M. Buxton, P. Naur, and B. Randell, editors, Software Engineering Concepts and Techniques (1968 NATO Conf. on Software Engineering), pages 88--98, 1976.

S. Saxena and E. McCluskey. Analysis of checksums, extended-precision checksums, and cyclic redundancy checks. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 39(7), July 1990.

Peter Walsh
Thu Jan 18 14:37:02 PST 1996