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This chapter describes how GM VHDL can be used to model the operation of digital hardware designs. This chapter and the following one assume the use of VHDL'93. The chapter What's new in VHDL'93 describes the differences between VHDL'93 and VHDL'87.

GM VHDL supports three techniques of modeling the operation of a design

This technique describes how components (an and gate, for example) can be interconnected to model a design.

data flow
Like register transfer languages, this technique specifies how data flows from the input signals to the output signals.

A design using this technique would represent the design as a sequential algorithm that computes the outputs of the design from the inputs.

All of these techniques can also be used together in a single design. The following three sections describe how a one-bit half adder could be modeled differently using the three different modeling techniques.

Data Flow
Discrete event simulation