A Guide to the Motorola HC11 VHDL model

The Motorola HC11 VHDL model is an extensive design example of behavioral VHDL. The design consists of many files that are in the examples subdirectory of the compiler installation directory. A detailed explaination of the SPI subsystem of the HC11 model is available on-line.

* NOTE This model is an alpha version, and should be considered a work in progress.

The following is an outline of the files that constitute the VHDL model of the HC11 microcontroller.

To compile the model, these files should be compiled in the order they appear. After compiling all of these files, you may create a simulatable executable model with the command:
link hc11 hc11 hc11
If you have a make utility, a makefile is also included in the examples subdirectory. The hc11.vhd file contains the top level entity for this version of the design (no pin logic). Please read the comments in this file to see how the system should be simulated. Additionally, reading the comments at the top of each of these files will help familarize you with the design.

The following supplemental files are provided for use with the HC11 model.

The scirtest.vhd, scittest.vhd, timeintr.vhd, spitest.vhd, and memtest.vhd files contain comments that describe their purpose and how the other auxillary files are used with them.

Please send comments, suggestions, and questions concerning this model to:
Green Mountain Computing Systems
2 Joseph Lane Essex Junction, VT 05452 e-mail: thibault@together.net