Chapter 3 - Data Flow Descriptions

Section 5 - Other Operators

The previous sectioned mentioned a few different types that are available in VHDL. There are also several built-in operators that can be used with those types. This section mentions some of these.

The logical operators NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and XOR can be used with any bit type or bit_vector. When used as operators on bits they have their usual meaning. When used with bit_vectors, the bit_vectors must have the same number of elements, and the operation is performed bitwise. For example, "00101001" xor "1110101" results in "11001100".

note: just as '0' and '1' represent constant bit values, constant bit_vectors can be written in VHDL as a list of bit values in double quotes. For example, if d is a bit_vector(1 to 4) the following statement gives d the permanent values d(1)='1', d(2)='1', d(3)='0', and d(4)='0'.

Hexadecimal can also be used as a shortcut as in the following example.
Since C is the hexadecimal number 12, which in binary is 1100, this statement is equivalent to the one preceeding it. The X in the front indicates that the number is in hexadecimal instead of the normal binary.

The typical algebraic operators are available for integers, such as +,-,* (multilication), and / (division). Although these operations are not built-in for bit_vectors, they are often provided in libraries that come with your VHDL software. They are used with bit_vectors by interpreting them as a binary representation of integers, which may be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided.

Also predefined are the normal relational operators. They are =, /=, <, <=, > and >= and have their usual meanings (/= denotes the not equal operator). The result of all these operators is a boolean value (TRUE or FALSE). The arguments to the = and /= operators may be of any type. The arguments of the <, <=, > and >= operators may be any scalar type (integer, real, and physical types) or the bit_vector type. If the arguments are bit_vectors, then the arguments must be the same length and the result is TRUE only if the relation is true for each corresponding element of the array arguments.

The & operator is a built-in VHDL operator that performs the concatenation of bit_vectors. For example, with the following declarations:

signal a: bit_vector (1 to 4);
signal b: bit_vector (1 to 8);
The following statement would connect a to the right half of b and make the left half of b constant '0'.
b<="0000" & a;
The & appends the a to the end of the "0000" to form a result that contains 8 bits.

The previous section is Data Flow Descriptions - Other Types.
The next section is Data Flow Descriptions - Signal Assignments.

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