HC11 SPI Design Example

This document describes the VHDL behavioral design of the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Unit of the Motorola HC11 microcontroller. The SPI provides synchronized communication between the HC11 microcontroller and peripheral devices or other microcontrollers. The example will proceed by first describing the operation of the SPI, and then looking at the behavioral design of the SPI.

Operation of the HC11 SPI

This description is based on the M68HC11 Reference Manual. The SPI subsystem performs synchronous master/slave type exchange of two data bytes (8 bits). Both master and slave units contain an 8 bit shift register. During a transfer, incoming bits are shifted into the masters 8 bit register, while the old values, are shifted out to the slave. When connected together the master and slave shift registers form a circular 16 bit shift register. During transfer, the contents of the 16 bit shift register is shifted by 8 bits, exchanging the two values in master's and slave's registers. The shift register is controlled by a single clock provided by the master.

Two controls select the format of the transfer, the clock phase control bit (CPHA), and the clock polarity control bit (CPOL). The CPOL selects an active high or an active low clock. The CPHA controls how the start of the transfer is defined for the slave unit. If CPHA is '0', then the slave begins transfer as soon as the SS line (controlled externally) is active low. If CPHA is '1', then the transfer begins on the first edge of the master's serial clock (SCK). These two formats have a large impact on how the shift registers are clocked from the master's serial clock. The impact of the two formats is discussed more later.

The serial clock used for transfer is derived from an internal clock (PH2) of the HC11. This clock is divided by 2,4,16, or 32 depending on the value of the two SPI Bit Rate control bits (SPR1 and SPR2).

The master or slave mode of the SPI is determined by the master/slave mode control bit (MSTR). The SPI can be enabled or disabled by the SPI system enable control bit (SPE). The SPI will also generate an interrupt to the HC11 CPU when a data transfer has been completed, if the SPI interrupt enable control bit (SPIE) is set. Regardless of the value of the SPIE control bit, the SPI transfer complete flag (SPIF) is set when a transfer in complete.

Design of the HC11 SPI

The VHDL design of the SPI consists of three parts. Before examining the design of the SPI subsystem, we will first turn our attention to the two support files, hc11type.vhd and hc11clk.vhd.

The hc11type module contains a VHDL package which defines several common types that are used by the entire HC11 design. The byte and word types represent 8 bit and 16 bit vectors. The byte_array and word_array types are defined for use with the resolution functions that follow. Several resolved signal types are defined with the resolution functions. The databus type is the only one used by this example. The databus type is used to represent the HC11's system data bus that can be driven by many parts of the design.

The hc11clk module contains a component that generates the internal clocks use by the HC11. All of the internal clock signals are derived from a single external crystal. Since the frequency of this main clock depends on external circuitry, the frequency value is configured with a generic. The generic Tcycle is the length in nanoseconds of this clock's cycle. The use of the generic Tcycle allows the same entity (clock) to be used in several designs with different frequencies. This is a good practice because only one entity has to be designed, which saves time, and it is also easier to maintain one design than several.

The architecture of the clock design contains simple signal assignments to create clocks with different phases and multiples of the crystal frequency. The gen_extal process is a typical implementation of a clock signal. It contains a single signal assignment that creates one cycle of the clock. The cycles of the clock are then repeated with the use of the wait statement. The wait statement will suspend the process for Tcycle time units. Thus, the process will resume every Tcycle time units and the signal assignment will create that cycle each time.

The gen_clock process is used to generate several clocks, since they all have the same period. There is a lot of simulator overhead in suspending and resuming processes, so combining these signal assignments into a single process is much more efficient than using separate processes. This is especially important with the clock signals because they change the most frequently, which means they require the most processing by the simulator.

Now we return to the discussion of the design of the SPI subsystem itself. The first step of the design process is to draw a block diagram of the system begin designed. This is the block diagram of the SPI used for our VHDL design.
The Clock Dividers block generates 4 clocks that are derived by dividing the HC11's internal PH2 clock by 2,4,16, and 32. The Clock Logic block then selects one of these clocks (in master mode) or the SCK input pin (in slave mode) depending on the value of SPR0,SPR1, and MSTR. This block is enabled by the Control Logic block. When the output from the Clock Logic block is enabled, it will clock the shift register performing the data transfer. The shift in/out pins of the SPI subsystem depend on the master/slave mode of the system. The MISO pin is used for input when configured in the master mode and output when configured in the slave mode. Similarly, the MOSI pin is used for output when configured in master mode, and input when configured in slave mode. The Control Logic block of the SPI controls the overall operation of the subsystem.

The first part of the VHDL model is the entity declaration for the SPI subsystem. The first part of the entity declaration is the port clause describing the interface to the spi entity. The first three signals (E,ph1, and ph2) are internal clocks signals. The reset signal is a global asynchronous reset for the entire HC11. The ss signal is an external input pin of the HC11 used to control the slave's operation. Depending on the mode (master/slave) of the SPI, it may output or input the SCK signal. The SCK signal is an external bidirectional pin of the HC11. Since all the pin I/O logic of the HC11 is separated into their own entities, the SPI has two separate signals for input and output. The direction and signal driving the external pin is then controlled by the external pin logic (which is not part of this example). For the same reason that the SCK signal is separated into input and output signals, the MISO and MOSI pins are separated into input and output signals. These signals are defined as mi,si,mo, and so.

The next two signals are used for mode fault detection. A mode fault occurs when the HC11 is configured in master mode and the SS pin is driven active low (selecting slave operation). If the external SS pin is configured for input, then mode faults will be detected. The active high ss_dir signal, driven by the external I/O pin logic, indicates when the SS pin is configured for input. The mfault output signal will then be set active high, if a mode fault occurs. The int_spi signal is the internal interrupt request line to the CPU. The status of the SPI subsystem (enabled/disabled and master/slave mode) is used by other subsystems of the HC11, so these control bits are output with signals spe and slave. The remaining signals in the port clause define the signals of the HC11's system bus.

Following the port clause are two sections of constant definitions. These constants are defined in the entity declaration because they are independent of the implementation of the architecture. This means that if there is more than one architecture for the spi entity, these constants would be the same. Since they are the same for every architecture body, they can be put in the entity declaration. This saves the trouble of redeclaring them in every architecture body. The first set of constants define the bit positions of the SPI control bits within the HC11's registers. All of the control bits and flags in the HC11, that are accessible to the CPU, are made accessible via a memory mapped block of registers. The reg_en input signal is active during a bus cycle that accesses one of the memory mapped registers. This is discussed more later. The second set of constants define the states of a finite state machine (FSM) used to control the SPI subsystem.

Immediately following the entity declaration is an architecture body of the spi entity. This architecture declares several internal signals, which will be discussed as needed. The first four statements of the architecture connect internal signals to some of the output signals of the entity. The SPCR bit vector referenced in the last two of these signal assignments represents one of the memory mapped registers of the HC11. This is the SPI Control Register. The next signal assignment selects mi or si as the input for the shift register depending on the mode (master/slave) of the SPI. The process following that selects mo or so for output in a similar way. A process is used because it is more convenient to write. The next signal assignment drives the interrupt request line whenever it is enabled by the SPIE control bit and a transfer has been completed (indicated when SPIF is active high) or when a mode fault has occured (indicated when MODF is active high).

The next section implements the clock related blocks in the block diagram of the SPI subsystem. The first is the Clock Dividers block. This block is implemented using a binary counter. Each bit of the clock value is the next less significant bit divided by 2. The least significant bit is the signal clocking the counter (PH2) divided by 2. The 5 bit counter output represents a divide by 2 chain, dividing the PH2 clock by the multiples 2,4,8,16, and 32. Since only the signal divided by 2,4,16, and 32 are needed they are assigned, in order, to the prescaled bit vector. The SPR0 and SPR1 bits are then be used to index the prescaled bit vector. Thus, spi_clk is the clock rate selected by SPR0 and SPR1.

The main_clock process, which follows in the source code, selects the proper clock to use for transfers and determines whether the clock is enabled or not. If the SPI is in the transmitting state, it must be configured as a master and the master uses the internally selected spi_clk for driving the shift register. If the SPI is in the receiving state, it must be configured as a slave and uses the clock generated by the master, which is input via the sckin signal.

The next section of the implementation is somewhat more complicated than one would expect due to the different configurations possible for clock polarity (CPOL) and clock phase (CPHA). This section implements the Edge Detection block directly driving the shift register. The first statement creates the shift_edge signal for convenience. This signal determines which edge (rising/falling) causes the register to shift, which depends on the configuration of CPOL and CPHA. The next statement is the count process, which counts the number of edges and is reset between transfers. The value of this counter will be used later to control the shift register. It is really part of the Control Logic block of our diagram though.

The next process is the main component of the Edge Detection block. It is complicated due to the fact that when the clock phase is '1' the register is shifted on the second edge of the clock, instead of the first, and there is no edge for the last bit that must be shifted. The shift signal is the output from this process and is used to drive the shift register. The first step is to detect the correct rising or falling edge. This is done with the first if statement. If the right edge has occurred, then we shift under two conditions. First, when the clock phase is '0' and second, when the clock phase is '1' and this is not the first edge (no_bits/=0), since in this mode the first edge does not cause a shift. These two cases are handled by the second if statement. The elsif part of the first if statement handles shifting the last bit during a transfer where the clock phase is '1', since there is no clock edge for this last bit. It causes a shift to take place when the FSM has recognized the end of a transfer (i.e. when the SPIF flag is set) and the clock phase is '1'.

The next process, do_shift, implements the shift register of the SPI subsystem. The shift register is loaded with a value via the memory mapped register SPDR (SPI Data Register) at register block address 2A. Thus, the first part of this process transfers data from the system bus to the shift register during a write cycle to register block address 2A. The wr_enable signal is described later. The shift signal is then used to actually shift the contents of the register as controlled by the process discussed in the last paragraph. The for loop used here to do the shift employs a good common practice of denoting the bounds of the vector with byte'high and byte'low instead of 7 and 0 because these may change. Rather than change the references to 7 and 0 everywhere in the source code, the high and low attributes are used and will never need to be changed.

This process additionally sets the internal signal SPDR_full, when new data is loaded into the SPDR register. This is signal is used in the FSM to start a transmission, when configured in master mode.

The next process is concerned with the FSM that controls the state of the SPI subsystem. The process detects the beginning of a transfer in slave mode. In master mode, a transfer begins when the SPDR register is written by the CPU. For the slave, the beginning of a transfer is detected differently depending on the clock phase. If CPHA is '0', the transfer begins on the falling edge of the external input pin SS. Otherwise, the beginning of a transfer is detected by the first edge on the external SCK input pin. This process and the remaining processes are part of the Control Logic block of the block diagram.

The state of the SPI is controlled by a finite state machine defined in the fsm process. There are many different ways to implement finite state machines in VHDL. This FSM is implemented entirely in one process. On each falling edge of ph2 the next state is determined, and certain actions are taken, when the state changes. The following is a diagram of this FSM.
There are two main actions that take place in this process due to state changes. The first is a read buffer for the SPDR (shown in the block diagram with the shift register). When a transfer is complete, the value of the shift register is latched into the read buffer. When the CPU writes to the SPDR, it writes to the shift register, but when it reads the SPDR, it reads from this read buffer. This means that another transfer can begin before the CPU reads the result of the last transfer. The second is to set the SPIF flag. Since signals may only have one driver, unless they are resolved, all changes to SPSR are made in one process controling the SPSR. In order to set the SPIF flag, an intermediate signal is used, set_SPIF. A rising edge of this internal signal will cause the SPIF bit to be set within the process controlling the SPSR (discussed later). The delay states, in the FSM, are used to synchronize the completion of the transfer.

The SPCR register is controlled by the SPRC_register process. If a mode fault has occured (rising edge of MODF), the SPI is automatically set to slave mode to avoid conflicts on the external pins. The first if statement checks for mode faults and clears the MSTR bit, when one has occured. Otherwise the process merely writes the bus data to the register when the CPU writes to its memory mapped address. The SPSR_register process controls the SPSR register in a similar manner, except the bits of the SPSR may also be controlled via the internal signals set_SPIF and set_MODF, as mentioned in the last paragraph.

The next process detects the mode faults mentioned at the beginning of this discussion. When a mode fault is detected, the MODF bit of the SPSR is set indirectly with the set_MODF signal.

The last process is bus_cycle. This process handles some general control of the bus cycle and all reads of the SPI related memory mapped registers. Writes to the SPI register are handled in separate parts of the implementation due to the problem of only having one driver, which was mentioned earlier. However, this is not a problem with reading signals, so the CPU reads of the registers are all handled in one process. The first statement, the wait statement, waits for the falling edge of the address strobe signal as. At this time the address and r/w lines of the system bus are valid. The address is latched into the address latch. The rd_enabled and wr_enabled are also latched based on the value of the r/w line and reg_en signal.

The next wait statement waits for the rising edge of the ph1 signal. At this point read data should be placed on the bus. If this is a read and the address is any of the SPI register, their values are used to drive the bus. If one of these registers is read, another wait statement is used to wait for the falling edge of ph1. At this point the bus data drivers are removed because the data valid period is complete.

A Test Bench for the HC11 SPI VHDL model

The spitest.vhd file contains a VHDL test bench that verifies some of the operation of the SPI subsystem. It is always best to create a test bench for each VHDL entity you create before continuing to design. Otherwise, it is difficult to isolate a problem in a large design containing several untested entities.

To compile and test the VHDL model of the SPI, execute the following commands from DOS in the examples subdirectory of directory where you installed the compiler.

vhdl hc11type
vhdl hc11clk
vhdl hc11spi
vhdl spitest
link spi spitest test_spi
sve spi spit.env

Copyright 1995, Green Mountain Computing Systems.
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