CSCI 159 Lab 6 exercises
Lab 6 is almost a two-week lab: it is due by 8pm Friday Dec. 6th
There are again two halves, a warm-up exercise working with structs and arrays of structs
(warm-up exercise done in basic.cpp) and a design/implementation exercise (done in lab6.cpp):
- the basic/warmup exercise (basic.cpp), worth 6 marks
- the main design/implementation exercise (lab6.cpp), worth 12 marks
- both parts are due by 8pm on Friday Dec. 6th
Here is the collection of new C++ syntax elements we'll be using
for lab6.
Follow our usual setup process
- Log in, open a browser, go to the lab6 page, open a terminal window:
(see lab 2 if you need a refresher on any of the steps)
- get lab 6:
make -f make159 csci159/lab6
- Go into your lab6 directory and begin the edit/compile/test/submit routine:
for the first half of today's lab:
- to edit basic.cpp: pluma basic.cpp &
- to compile basic.cpp: make basicx
- to test basicx: ./basicx
- to submit: make submit
once we get to the second half of today's lab:
- to edit lab6.cpp: pluma lab6.cpp &
- to compile lab6.cpp to create lab6x: make lab6x
- to test lab6x: ./lab6x
- to submit: make submit
As with previous labs, you'll see that the two .cpp files are nearly empty to start with.
First half: structs and arrays of structs (to be done in basic.cpp)
Second half: design and implementation problem (to be done in lab6.cpp)