Zoom Q&A checklist: lab Monday Oct. 4

Lab 2 due Tuesday Oct 12th

key points

Note the corrected return value for displayResult - the function should be using void as a return type (the original specs said it would return a long).

start soon! I notice only about half the class has obtained the lab so far, and it's due in a week (don't plan on doing the whole thing successfully in one sitting)

make sure you understand what the prototype and call should look like for each of the four functions

make sure you understand the error checking for either cin or scanf

use incremental development, getting one chunk of the program working at a time

review the code standards, make sure you're following them

if you would like help online with code issues (while zooming, by email, on discord, etc) be sure to "make submit" first
(that way I can actually examine/compile/work with your code, and there is no downside to submitting often)

Any other questions???