Question 2 [5] with sample solutions

Using the same node struct and tree assumptions as specified in question 1, implement an iterative (i.e. not recursive) solution for the findExtremes function described below.

// findExtremes takes three parameters:
//    a pointer to a tree node and two ints passed by reference.
// The function finds the smallest and largest ids in the
//    subtree and copies them to the parameters
void findExtremes(node *t, int &smallestId, int &largestId);
void findExtremes(node *t, int &smallestId, int &largestId)
   if (t == NULL) return;
   node *sm = t;
   while (sm->left != NULL) sm = sm->left;
   smallestId = sm->id;
   node *lg = t;
   while (lg->right != NULL) lg = lg->right;
   largestId = lg->id;