CSCI 161 Midterm Exam 2013

There will be two in-class midterms for CSCI 161, tentatively planned for Feb. 13th and Mar. 20th, each worth 15% of your final grade.

The midterms will be closed book, closed notes, and no electronics permitted, but you will be allowed one double-sided 8.5x11 inch sheet of notes.

If a student misses one or both midterms their final exam mark will be substituted for the missing mark(s).

If a student's final exam mark is higher than their midterm mark(s) then their final exam mark will replace the midterm mark(s).

Topics list and review notes:

A review session will be held in the lecture prior to each midterm.

There will be six programming questions, worth 5 marks each, for a total of 30 marks.

The programming questions will generally be a mix of the following:

Question topics can be based on any of our lab/lecture material up to and including material from the review lecture prior to the midterm.

Midterm 1 Sample Solutions (Feb. 13)

The core topics will be file I/O, command line arguments, linked lists, classes, and queues.

For practice problems, see

Midterm 2 with sample solutions (Mar. 20)

The core topics will be binary search trees and inheritance (not dynamic binding).

For practice problems, see