CSCI 162: Spring 2019 Final Exam S19N01-N02
Sample Solutions

Question Mark
1. Regular expressions
[15 marks]
2. Finite state machines
[15 marks]
3. Algorithm complexity
[15 marks]
4. Data representation
[15 marks]
5. Digital logic
[15 marks]
6. Prolog
[15 marks]
7. Lisp
[15 marks]
Exam Total (Best 6)

[90 marks]


Question 1: Regular expressions [15]

  1. Over the alphabet [A-Z], give a regular expression for the set of strings of odd length that begin with a vowel [AEIOU] and whose total length is greater than 2.

    Sample solution

  2. Suppose we wanted to describe the set of hex strings representing object code for valid marie instructions. Provide a regular expression that does so, and justify your reasoning.

    Sample solution
    They will each be 4 hex characters long,
       starting with the character that indicates the instruction type
       and then following one of three patterns:
          input, output, halt, and clear end with 000
          skipcond ends with one of 000, 400, 800
          the other instructions end with any three hex digits
       ^(([567A]000) | (8[048]00) | ([0-49B-E][0-9A-F]{3}))$

Question 2: Finite state machines [15]

  1. Given the state table below, draw the corresponding finite state machine and show which state the FSM should be in after processing the string: "xyzyxx".
    Current StateSymbolNew State
    Start x Q1
    Start y Q2
    Start z Q3
    Q1 x Q1
    Q1 y Q3
    Q1 z Q2
    Q2 x Q3
    Q2 y Q2
    Q2 z Q1
    Q3 x Q1
    Q3 y Q2
    Q3 z Accept
    Accept x Accept
    Accept y Q1
    Accept z Q3

    Sample solution
    For string xyzyxxx the state sequence would be
    Start -> Q1 -> Q3 -> Accept -> Q1 -> Q1 -> Q1 (string not accepted)

  2. If we were to describe the fetch-decode-execute cycle in terms of a finite state machine,
    (i) what would be the key states?
    (ii) when would the transitions between them take place?
    (iii) in which state(s) would the IR be updated?
    (iv) in which state(s) might the PC be updated?

    Sample solution
    One simple possibility is to have five states:
        start --> fetch --> decode --> execute --> accept
                    ^                    /
    We go from start to fetch once the program is loaded and begins running,
    we go from fetch to decode once the next instruction has been fetched,
    we go from decode to execute once decoding is completed,
    we go from execute to accept after a halt instruction has been executed,
       otherwise once an instruction execution completes we go back to fetch
    The instruction register would be updated during the fetch instruction.
    The program counter would be updated during decoding,
        but could also be updated by certain instructions during execution
        (e.g. by a jump instruction).

Question 3: Algorithm complexity [15]

  1. Determine the complexity order for the marie program below as one of O(logN), O(N), O(N logN), or O(N2). Justify your answer.
            store    N
    L,      load     N
            subt     Y
            store    N
            skipcond 0
            jump     L
    N,      hex      0
    Y,      hex      10

    Sample solution
    O(N) - the code reads and stores N, then repeatedly subtracts 10
           from N until the result is negative.  This takes roughly
           N/10 iterations, thus O(N), linear

  2. Determine the complexity order for the lisp function below as one of O(logN), O(N), O(N logN), or O(N2). Justify your answer.
    (defun f (N)
           ((not (numberp N)) 0)
           ((< N 1) 0)
           (t  (+ N (f (/ N 2))))))

    Sample solution
    O(logN) - the recursion quits when N < 1,
              the recursive calls cut N in half each time, rounding down,
              thus at most 1 + log2(N) calls

Question 4: Data representation [15]

Suppose file "" contains the definition of a lisp function, gethex, described below.

gethex takes an integer, N, as a parameter and returns an 8-character string that is the hex representation of N (two's complement).

For instance (gethex 18) would return "00000012", and (gethex -1) would return "FFFFFFFF".

Show the output that would be produced if we ran the following lisp script:
#! /usr/bin/gcl -f

(load "")

(defun product (X Y)
   (if (and (integerp X) (integerp Y))
       (let ((result (* x y)))
            (format t "~A * ~A is ~A~%" (gethex X) (gethex Y) (gethex result))

(format t "Final: ~A~%" (gethex (+ 17 (product -3 -2))))

Sample solution
Note that it's essentially displaying
     VAL1 * VAL2 is PRODUCT
     Final RESULT
where VAL1 is the hex for -3, VAL2 is the hex for -2,
      PRODUCT is the hex for 6 (i.e. (-3)*(-2)), and
      RESULT is the hex for 23 (i.e. 6+17)

Thus the output is

      FFFFFFFD * FFFFFFFE is 00000006
      Final 00000017

Question 5: Digital logic [15]

Based on the truth table below, answer questions 1-3.
wxyz   F     G  
0000   0   1
0001   0   0
0010   1   1
0011   1   0
0100   1   0
0101   0   0
0110   1   1
0111   0   1
1000   0   0
1001   0   0
1010   1   0
1011   1   0
1100   1   0
1101   0   0
1110   1   1
1111   0   1

  1. Provide Karnaugh maps corresponding to functions F and G.

  2. Based on the Karnaugh maps above, provide minimal sum-of-products expressions for F and G. Be sure to clearly circle the term groupings used from the Karnaugh maps.

    Sample solution
    Remember the maps wrap around top-bottom and left-right,
       hence for F we're getting three groups of four,
       while for G we're getting a group of 2 and a group of 4

  3. Draw the circuit corresponding to the minimal sum-of-products expressions for F and G.

Part 3 sample solution

Question 6: Prolog [15]

  1. Write a set of facts/rules to support prolog queries of the form
          extremes(L, Sm, Lg).
    Where extremes expects L to be a list of numbers, and attempts to unify Sm and Lg with the smallest and largest values in L.

    Sample solution
    extremes(L,Sm,Lg) :- smallest(L,Sm), largest(L,Lg).
    smallest([N], N) :- number(N).
    smallest([H|T], H) :- number(H), smallest(T,S), H < S.
    smallest([H|T], S) :- number(H), smallest(T,S), H >= S.
    largest([N], N) :- number(N).
    largest([H|T], H) :- number(H), largest(T,L), H > L.
    largest([H|T], L) :- number(H), largest(T,L), H =< L.

  2. For the set of prolog facts/rules below, show the result of the following query, and briefly explain your reasoning
          memRequest([[128,1000],[4096,2000],[2048,8000],[512,9000]], 2048, C, MA).

    % memRequest(FreeMem, RequestSize, Chosen, MemAfter)
    % --------------------------------------------------
    % given a list of available memory segments, FreeMem, and
    %    a request for a block of memory of a specific size, RequestSize,
    %    determine the chosen block, Chosen, and
    %    the updated memory list, MemAfter
    % memory segments are described as pairs: [ size, address]
    %    where size is the number of available bytes
    %    and address is the memory address of the start of the segment
    memRequest([[S,A]|T], R, [S,A], T) :- posint(S), posint(A), posint(R), R =< S.
    memRequest([H|T], R, C, [H|MA]) :- memRequest(T, R, C, MA).
    memRequest(M, _, noneAvail, M).
    posint(X) :- integer(X), X > 0.

    Sample solution
    Note that for a request like memRequest(L, N, C, M),
       memRequest is finding the first free block that is at least as big as N,
       unifying that block's [Size,Address] list with C,
       and unifying M with everything that's left in L after removing C
    So in this query N is 2048, and the first big enough chunk is the one [4096,2000],
       so the query unifies C with [4096,2000]
       and MA with the rest, i.e. [[128,1000], [2048,8000], [512,9000]]

Question 7: Lisp [15]

  1. Suppose we already have two functions available:
    (smallest L) returns the smallest element of list L
    (largest L) returns the largest element of list L.

    Write a lisp function, extremes, that expects a list, L, as its only parameter.

    If L is not a list, or is an empty list, then extremes returns nil, otherwise extremes returns a list of two values: the smallest value in L and the largest value in L.

    For example, (extremes '(3 12 4 1)) returns (1 12)

    Sample solution
    (defun extremes (L)
          ((not (listp L)) nil)
          ((null L) nil)
          (t (list (smallest L) (largest L)))))

  2. Write a lisp script (remember your #! line) that does the following (in the order specified)

    Sample solution
    #! /usr/bin/gcl -f
    (load "")  ; <-- I really should have named it!!!
    (format t "Please enter a list~%")
    (defvar L (read))
    (defvar result (extremes L))
    (format t "Extremes of ~A are ~A~%" L result)