Preparation for CSCI 330 Quiz 1 (2025)

Quiz 1 moved online due to weather concerns. The quiz will be available on VIULearn from Monday Feb. 3rd at 1pm until Tuesday Feb. 4th at 3pm. You'll have 60 minutes once you start, open notes, open book, strictly individual effort.

As per the exams page, the quiz will be closed book, closed notes, no electronics, and held in the lab during your scheduled lab section. You will have 50 minutes to complete the quiz.

You are permitted one double-sided 8.5x11" page of notes ('cheat sheet').

This first quiz is a mix of theory and applied/lisp coding, focused on the the lab and lecture material up to and including parameter passing mechanisms and handling of multiple return values in lisp. (It will not include higher order functions, lambda, etc.)

There will be four questions with an emphasis on the following: Note that 'code segments' might be given in lisp or might be given as pseudo-code.