CSCI 485 announcements: Fall 2012

Office hours during exams
Wednesday Dec. 5th 11-2
Wednesday Dec. 12th 11-2
Thursday Dec. 13th 10:30-12:30
(the final exam is at 1 in the gym)

Project presentations
Just confirming that we'll use lab 115 for the research project presentations from 1:30-4:00 on Monday Dec. 3rd.

Exams page updated
I've added about 10 sample questions for midterm 2 to the exams prep page

Notes page updated
Added a bunch more links for the various topics sections, have a look (especially if you're still hunting for project info/ideas)

Exam dates posted and midterm notes updated
The CSCI 485 exam will be held in the gym from 1-4p.m. on Thursday Dec. 13th
I've posted the second erlang lab (for Oct. 22nd)
I've also updated the midterm prep page, expanding a list of sample questions and topics.

Oct. 10, 2012: Lab revision
I've swapped the order of the skype and erlang labs, and the exercises associated with the first erlang lab have been posted.

Sept 26, 2012: Lecture cancellation
There will not be a lecture on Wed. October 3rd (use the time to work on your lab or research project or prep for the midterm).

June 2012: Assessment
OK, I think I've finalized how assessment will work for the course. You can choose any four out of the following five componenets, each worth 25% of your final grade:

May 2012: Preliminary announcement
This is the announcements page for the fall 2012 offering of CSCI 485.