CSCI 485: labs and lab project

There are two lab components, each of which can count towards 25% of your final mark.

The first component is a lab project, associated with labs 1 through 4 below.

The second component is a set of three lab investigation exercises associated with labs 5 through 7 below.

The deadline for both components is 5pm November 16th.

The first four labs, Sept. 10-Oct. 1 (there is no lab the first week of classes), are used to apply the networking concepts discussed in lectures to a practical lab project.

Lab network sessions:
- Lab 1 sending/receiving
- Lab 2 nonblocking receives and IO
- Lab 3 threads/semaphores
- Lab 4 select

The three labs from Oct. 15 - 29th will be used as investigative sessions, with a specific exercise to complete. The three exercises can be submitted to satisfy the lab component of the course, worth 25% of your course mark (due 5pm November 16th).

Investigative sessions:
- Lab 5: distributed computation with Erlang
- Lab 6: Erlang part II
- Lab 7: Skype investigation

The labs for November 5th-26th will be set aside as working sessions for your lab work and/or your research project and presentation.

The labs in the final week (Dec. 3) will be used for project presentations.

Lab project
Either the lab project or the set of three lab investigations can be completed and submitted for your lab mark (20%).

Big Brother Team Tracker (BBTT)

As discussed in lectures, BBTT is a client-server system used to keep all members of a project team informed on the current location and activity of all other team members. It also automates the logging of what team members have been working on, when, and where.

Specifications may be refined here over the next week or two, and we will work on the design and key technical aspects in both the lectures and labs over the semester.

Implementation language: the project must be implemented on otter, and may be completed in either C++ (following the examples of labs 1-4) or in Erlang (following the examples of lab 6).

Due date: Friday November 16th at 5p.m.

Submission requirements:
Tar and gzip all the source code files, a readme file, and an appropriate Makefile into a single archive, and email it as an attachment to by the due date.

Language/platform constraints:
I will compile your client and server on otter using the Makefile you provide, and will test them on otter and the pups.

Product specifications: